School & College Counseling (SCC) » Work Permits

Work Permits

Minors may apply for a work permit by scheduling an appointment with their PUC School & College Counselor. Work permits may only be issued to the minor who is seeking employment (the minor MUST be present). Before scheduling your appointment students MUST have the following documents:
  • Statement of Intent to Employ a Minor and Request for a Work Permit - Certificate of Age B1-1 Rev 02-14
    • The form must be dated within the last month (30 days).
    • Students should NOT email this form to and from the employer. Your personal information may be exposed. 
  • Current Photo ID
    • Valid Government ID or Passport, or
    • Photo school ID containing date of birth. If the date of birth is not printed on the school ID, the student must also present the Certificate of Birth. 
    • PUC School and College Counselors will not accept an ID from a device or an email copy. 
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